Fund Raising
Fund Raising
Members of the Geneva-Excelsior Lions Club put a lot of effort into raising funds for our giving efforts. Numerous projects are held throughout the year to provide the needed funds. Our fundraisers include:
Youth & Community Activities Raffle
A perpetual winner, this raffle is not only supported by our members, but also provides a vehicle for community organizations to raise funds as well. Outside organizations are able to participate in the raffle, which usually has a car as the grand prize, with no setup charges or fees. They are able to receive back 70% of their sales for their organization.
More on this event here.

Youth & Community Activities Raffle
A perpetual winner, this raffle is not only supported by our members, but also provides a vehicle for community organizations to raise funds as well. Outside organizations are able to participate in the raffle, which usually has a car as the grand prize, with no setup charges or fees. They are able to receive back 70% of their sales for their organization.
More on this event here.
Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed
Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed
Following a reboot in 2016, the Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed has, again, become a favorite of all those who attend. Lion Bob Fenech took on the task of replacing Lion Mike Castagnetto after his passing in 2013.
Lion Bob Fenech and crew held an excellent event, and will be leading the event again this coming February. This year we will be limiting the event to 150 seats and are looking forward to have a great time.
More on this event here.
This fund raiser adds a lot of fun to the San Francisco 49ers games, as well as the playoffs and SuperBowl. This annual project is always sold out in advance. If interested in participating just send us an email.
Charity Golf Tournament
Charity Golf Tournament
This event, although not held every year, is a great draw for our golfing supporters and members. Usually 40 to 60 players in size, it's lots of fun and excitement. The event is held when one of our members makes the effort to put together a team and plan it out.
Giulio Francesconi Memorial Charity Raffle
Giulio Francesconi Memorial Charity Raffle
Giulio Francesconi Memorial Charity Raffle
This was one of our most successful fund raising events. It raised funds through the sale of a limited number of raffle tickets. The raffle began in 1979 and ran through 2015. Unfortunately we were forced to end the fundraiser because it did not conform with California raffle law.