Youth & Community Activities Raffle

2024-25 Youth & Community Activities Raffle

This year’s drawing is just organizing and will be held on April 16, 2025 at the Italian American Social Club at our regular meeting.

We look forward to working with all the ticket purchasers, and especially the sponsors and advertisers, to make it a complete success.

Our 2023-24 Youth & Community Raffle is half-way to the drawing and is progressing well.

Letters have gone out to last year’s selling groups to see if they’ll participate this year, even though it’s a very crazy year. We are actively seeking more groups to earn through our raffle.

We’re also looking for advertisers and sponsors for our raffle and twenty prizes. See last year’s sponsors are shown below.

Everyone is invited to participate, either as an individual through our Friends & Family program, or as a group selling tickets as a fundraiser.

The drawing will take place at our April 17, 2024 at our meeting @ 6:30 PM.

We thank all those who have helped make last year’s raffle a success!

This year’s drawing was held on April 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Italian American Social Club at our regular meeting.

We’ll update this page with more info when available. This year’s winners list is available via the link below.

Winners of the Youth & Community Raffle

See lists of previous winners.

We’re looking for Lions Clubs, Community Groups, Schools, and Church Fundraising Partnerships

This raffle is not only supported by our members, but also provides a vehicle for other Lions Clubs, community groups, schools, and churches to raise funds as well. Lions Clubs, community groups, schools, and churches are able to participate in the raffle with no setup charges. They receive back 70% of their ticket sales.

If you’re interested in participating, please click the button below and send us an email. The chairman will get back to you with the details and if tickets will be available. Review our Fundraising Partnership Flyer and Info.

2024-25 Youth & Community Ads & Sponsors Fund
2024-25 Youth & Community Ads & Sponsors Fund

Donate via Venmo @gelions

or use one of our Paypal buttons

Advertising & Sponsorships

In order for us to have the raffle, we must adhere to the raffle rules of the State of California. The rules restrict us to only use 10% of ticket sales for expenses and prizes.

To cover the expenses and prizes for the raffle, we’re selling advertising and finding sponsors to help defray the cost of the raffle.

Although all the advertising spots on the tickets and ticket books may be sold, we're actively looking for additional prize sponsors. Advertisers and sponsors are noted on flyers, our website, and all materials. If interested, click the button below to let us know.

Please note our advertisers and sponsors below and support them if possible.

Join our Friends & Family Mailing List

Join one of our member’s mailing lists to receive a letter when the tickets are sold each year. You’ll never miss supporting us!

2023-24 Advertising Sponsors

2023-24 Prize Sponsors

1st Prize: $1,000


2nd Prize: $500

Lion Joe Farrah

3rd Prize: $400

Lion Sharon Eberhardt

4th Prize: $300


5th thru 14th Prizes: $100

Margot Clews (2)
Lion Bill Graziano (2)
Lion Sharon Eberhardt
Lions Bob & Zenaida Lawhon (4)

5th thru 13th Prizes: $100

Margot Clews (2)
Lion Bill Graziano (2)
Lion Sharon Eberhardt
Lions Bob & Zenaida Lawhon (4)

14th Prize: $100


15th thru 20th Prizes: $50

Lion Bill Graziano
C. M. Amos Printing Co. (3)

Fiscal Year Donation Reports

We’re very proud of our fundraising and giving; for a small Lions Club, we make every effort to maximize our impact on local youth and our community.

2023-2024: $20,696.00 View report

2022-2023: $21,831.99 View report
2021-2022: $21,275.50 View report
2020-2021: $19,230.45 View report
2019-2020: $23,039.14 View report
2018-2019: $20,428.50 View report
2017-2018: $23,900.00 View report
2016-2017: $19,060.31 View report

2015-2016: $20,218.83 View report
2014-2015: $15,092.50 View report
2013-2014: $15,065.08 View report
2012-2013: $18,256.59 View report
2011-2012: $35,327.86 View report
2010-2011: $28,941.27 View report