Youth & Community Activities Raffle
Join Our Friends & Family Mailing List
Those on our Friends and Family list are contacted each year and have the opportunity to support our programs by purchasing books of raffle tickets. Your name and info will not be used for other purposes, or sold to any other group. It is illegal for us to sell raffle tickets online, so we use this method to contact our supporters for this raffle.
How our Friends & Family list works is described below.
Friends & Family - How does it work?
Our Friends & Family ticket sales are fueled by friends and family of members, along with supporters who sign up through the form above. Some we may know, others we do not; all are welcome.
We begin working on next year’s raffle almost as soon as the April drawing is complete. Here are the steps used and what to expect if you sign up:
- We start sending out letters asking you to purchase books of raffle tickets at the beginning of September. Some are sent by US Mail, and others are sent by email; which ever method of contact you chose.
- Returns are processed as they come in by recording the purchase, assigning ticket books to each purchase, and putting the info into our tracking system.
- You’ll then receive a thank you letter. It includes a thank you letter and certificate showing the ticket numbers assigned you. This step completes the purchase.
- On the day of the drawing, stubs from all the purchases are placed into the drawing drum, and then any ticket drawn with no name will be tracked to the winner within our system. Checks to the winners are made out and mailed within two days of the drawing.