May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - On right behind table: Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Irene Tonelli, unknown, Margot Clews, Emma Giuffre, Eva Bello, Linnie Faina, and Lorraine Castagnetto; on floor: Marge (friend of Giulio Francesconi), and Estelle & Charlie Bottarini.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Bobbi Damonte (on floor), Emily Farrah, Emma & Joe (obscured) Giuffre, and Margot Clews; standing: Charlie Bottarini.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini posing in the courtyard.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R, back row: Sam San Filippo, Margot Clews, Emma & Joe Giuffre, Eva Bello, Linnie Faina, and Lorraine Castagnetto; front row: Irene Tonelli, Marge (friend of Giulio Francesconi), Mike Spediacci, Estelle Bottarini, Ann Pacheco, Frances Spediacci, Pete Bello, and Mike Castagnetto.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Estelle Bottarini driving the miniature car around the quad.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Al Kleinbach, serving as always.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Front to back, left: Sam San Filippo, Ozzie Buoncristiani, and Bob Woodall; right: Charlie Bottarini, Giulio Francesconi, Pete Blello, Mike Spediacci, and Ervin Smith.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: first 3: Irene Tonelli, Pete Bello, and Bill Tonelli; balance unknown.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: standing: Bob Woodall, Ervin Smith, Grace San Filippo, Frances Spediacci, Elena Smith, Irene Tonelli, Emma Giuffre, Mike Castagnetto (behind), Linnie Faina, Mike Spediacci, Joe Farrah, Ron Faina, Joe Giuffre, and Handford Clews; kneeling: Charlie Bottarini, Ann Pacheco, Emily Farrah, Pauline Woodall, Eva Bello, Estelle Bottarini, guest, Bill Tonelli, Sam San Filippo, Pete Bello, Bob Pacheco, Margot Clews, and Lorraine Castagnetto.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R on stage: Charlie Bottarini, Mike Spediacci, Pete Bello, Handford Clews, Bill Tonelli, Giulio Francesconi, member, and Mike Castagnetto. Foreground: Margot Clews and Eva Bello; Back left: George Habeeb, and unknown.
May 1978 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Front to back, left: Pete & Eva Bello, Handford & Margot Clews, Giulio Francesconi, Elena & Ervin Smith, and more; right: Charlie & Estelle Bottarini, Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani, Grace & Sam San Filippo, Emma & Joe Giuffre, and Mike & Frances Spediacci.