2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Pete Bello, Bill Tonelli, Ted Zagorewicz, Mike Spediacci, Art Holl, and Mike Castagnetto (partial). Members practicing for the Amateur Show.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Sam San Filippo, Ted Zagorewicz (partial), Pete Bello, Bill Tonelli, Mike Spediacci, Art Holl, and Mike Castagnetto, Ron Faina, and Handford Clews (partial). Members practicing for the Amateur Show.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Emily Farrah, back in the shadows, with Claire Holl.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Lorraine Castagnetto.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Emily Farrah.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Margot Clews with Frances Spediacci.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Mike Spediacci, Frank Ferrera, Art Holl, Bill Tonelli, and Handford Clews, behind Bill.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Grace San Filippo and Irene Tonelli.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Marge (Giulio Francesconi’s girlfriend) and Joe Farrah.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Joe Farrah and Charlie Bottarini.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Pete Bello, standing, and Bill Tonelli.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Marge, Giulio Francesconi’s girlfriend.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Eva Bello, Estelle Bottarini, and Emma Giuffre.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Estelle Bottarini and Giulio Francesconi.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Frank Ferrera, standing, and Joe Giuffre.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Pete & Eva Bello, with Emma Giuffre peeking in on right.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Eva Bello and Pat Ferrera, with Giulio back in the shadows. Surprise birthday cake for Eva, whose birthday was April 13th(?)
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing, far back left: guest, Irene Tonelli, Estelle Bottarini, Bill Tonelli, Art Holl, Pete Bello, Handford Clews; seated: Lorraine Castagnetto (on ground), Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, Pauline & Bob Woodall, and Emily Farrah.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Joe Farrah with the Club’s 3rd Place for Scrapbook award.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Lion, Rocky Lombardi, Joe Farrah, and Lion. Joe Farrah accepting an award for the Club.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Lion, Lion presenter, Giulio Francesconi, obscured, Lion, and Mike Spediacci. Giulio Francesconi receiving a prize, a new putter, from the golf tournament. Mike Spediacci also received a prize from the golf tournament.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Rino Ceccato, Lion, Guerin Olivola, Lion, Joe Farrah, and two more Lions. Rino Ceccato presented Lion of the Year awards from the Skylions of Daly City.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing: Art Holl, Pete Bello, Handford & Margot Clews, Ron Faina, Grace San Filippo, and Frank Ferrera; seated: Claire Holl, and Marge (with Giulio Francesconi).
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing, back row: Linnie Faina, Mike Castagnetto, guest, Art Holl, Sophie Zagorewicz, Pete Bello, back to camera, Handford Clews (partial), Marge with Giulio Francesconi; seated: Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, obscured, Emily Farrah, and obscured; foreground: Frank Ferrera and Ron Faina.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Grace San Filippo, Irene Tonelli, Emily Farrah, Sophie Zagorewicz, and Eva Bello.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Al Kleinbach, a charter member, making a drink for Art Holl. Looks like he gave Art all the Ancient Age.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Mike Castagnetto, Eva Bello, Emma Giuffre, and Lorraine Castagnetto.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Pat Ferrera, Bill Tonelli, Joe Farrah, Sophie Zagorewicz, Claire Holl, and Ozzie Buoncristiani. Another Club in the background.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Charlie Bottarini, hold parasol, and Pete Bello horsing around.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Handford Clews and Charlie Bottarini playing bocci ball.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: head table: Bill & Irene Tonelli, Lion & wife; foreground table: Ted Zagorewicz (with camera), Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, the monkey, and Frank Ferrera.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Charlie Bottarini, Frank Ferrera, Art Holl, Handford Clews, Lion, Lion, Mike Casstagnetto, and Al Gentile. Having completed teh costume parade, they’re getting ready for the Tail Twister Contest.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: obscured, Irene Tonelli, Emma Giuffre (background), Bill Tonelli, Art Holl (background), Margot Clews, and Sam San Filippo (background).
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini in costume.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Turtles everywhere but can’t tell who is who.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Can’t tell who the front 5 turtles are; near tree: Mike Spediacci, and Elena & Ervin Smith.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R in costume only: standing: Elena Smith, Emily Farrah, Ervin Smith, Handford Clews, and Joe Giuffre; on ground, back row: Ted Zagorewicz, Margot Clews, center: Emma Giuffre, and Pete Bello; front row: Mike Spediacci, obscured, Pat Farrera, Claire Holl, Estelle, Marge, Charlie Bottarini, Bill Tonelli, and Eva Bello; in front: Lion.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Barber Shop Quartet - L to R: Art Holl, Mike Castagnetto, Mike Spediacci, and Sam San Filippo.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Barber Shop Quartet - L to R: Art Holl, Mike Castagnetto, Mike Spediacci, and Sam San Filippo.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: L to R: the players: Margot Clews and Eva Bello, just before going on.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - Handford Clew announcing the skit.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Al Gentile, and Margot Clews. Elena Smith is bottom center right.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Margot Clews, and Al Gentile.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Margot Clews, and Al Gentile. Back right: Marge, friend of Giulio Francesconi.